Dear Sir or Madam,
Due to the high interest in the event regarding MiFID II and PRIIPs and the respective impact on Swiss independent asset managers, BRP Bizzozero & Partners repeats their seminar about this hot topic.
As of January 2017, relevant changes for Swiss IAM with EU clients will be enacted through MiFID II and PRIIPs. These abbreviations stand for rules that pursue similar objectives as the FIDLEG/FINIG-project, and will, even though these are EU regulations, have a direct effect on Swiss IAM.
BRP Bizzozero & Partners will explain why a Swiss IAM will often be affected and explain how a Swiss IFA can comply with the EU rules. In order to do so, BRP translates the complex EU legislation in practical To-do lists that will be presented on 30 September 2016, 09.00 to 10.00, at Au Premier in Zurich. The presentations will be held in German.
Please find all the details regarding the event and the registration here.
Financial Services Standards Association