Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Nowadays, job-related, profound education is more important than ever. Therefore, VQF Academy has entered into a collaboration with the Institute for Financial Services IFZ of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts regarding the CAS study course “Tax Compliance Management for Financial Institutions”. Therefore, the president of the board of VQF, Dr. Martin Neese, has been appointed as a member of the advisory board of this study course.
Furthermore, VQF Academy will also contribute to the CAS study course with seminars in the field of regulatory financial market issues. This part-time CAS study will be held in English. Attending the seminars conducted by VQF Academy will be possible for all VQF members. Please find the details of the CAS study course here.
VQF-members who enroll in the entire CAS study course benefit of a special discount of 3% on the course fees.
Freundliche Grüsse
VQF - Verein zur Qualitätssicherung
von Finanzdienstleistungen