Newsletter 111 - Sample contractual clauses for an asset management agreement and commentary on the VQF IOAM rules of conduct - As a service to members, the VQF IOAM has compiled sample contractual clauses (VQF doc. no. 500.04). By using this document, members should be in a position to ensure that asset management agreements are compiled in accordance with the rules of conduct. The sample clauses are provided with explanations. This document is available on our website ( under Members/IOAM/Basic Information). The commentary on the rules of conduct of the VQF IOAM (VQF doc. no. 500.03) is also available on our website ( under Members/IOAM/Basic Information). This document is aimed at helping members in their interpretation and application of the rules of conduct. Naturally the VQF is always at your disposal to provide any further assistance and advice you may require.