Dear Sir or Madam,
We are glad to announce that the Institute for Financial Services Zug organizes two comprehensive courses in the area of «International Tax Transparency Workshop QI, FATCA, CRS and New Developments» and «Regulatory Compliance Aspects in a Cross Border Context». The Financial Standard Association is represented in the Course 9 with Martin Neese, Roger Bachmann and Simon Wälti as lecturers.
In today’s tax transparent and globalized world, financial institutions face a set of new and demanding regulatory and tax compliance challenges. Course 8 elaborates on the recent developments in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. They have created a competitive landscape in which efficiently complying with tax laws is a key to success.
Course 9 provides a comprehensive knowledge in financial market regulation for various financial service providers such as banks, insurance companies, securities dealers, asset management and collective investment schemes, while also focusing on cross-border risks as well as specific obligations of financial intermediaries.
You might find all relevant information regarding these two courses here.
Kind regards,
Financial Services Standards Association