Dear Sir or Madam
Please find below the recent update of the Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS) with which MROS re-explains and re-emphasizes the requirements with respect to form and content of any report of any suspicion of money laundering according to Art. 9 AMLA respectively with respect to the special duties of due diligence of any financial intermediary according to Art. 6 para 2 AMLA. Unfortunately, the update is only availabe in German, Italian or French. We nevertheless would like to draw your attention tot he following excerpt:
«MROS erinnert hiermit daran, wie wichtig Abklärungen im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 2 GwG bei erhöhten Verdachtsmomenten sind. Verdachtsmeldungen zu Handen von MROS müssen zudem die formalen Voraussetzungen gemäss Art. 3 MGwV erfüllen. Insbesondere hat die Meldung eine möglichst genaue Darlegung der Verdachtsmomente zu enthalten, auf die sich die Meldung stützt (Art. 3 Abs. 1 Bst. h MGwV). Im Falle von diesbezüglich unvollständigen Meldungen gilt die Meldepflicht unter Umständen als nicht erfüllt (vgl. Urteil des Bundesgerichts 6B_1453/2017 vom 7. August 2018 E. 3.4).»
To facilitate any reporting of any suspicion of money laundering, MROS has revised its reporting forms. You can find the respective forms here:
Finally, MROS provides us with an update regarding the possibility to submit any report electronically. Other than initially planned, the electronical report will not be ready before 1 January 2020. You can find a test version of this electronical reporting tool here : We will update you about any respective developments in due time.
Please find all details in attached letter of MROS (on German, French and Italian).
Kind regards
VQF – Verein zur Qualitätssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen